Dodeca 12 in 1 SolarHydraulic Robot Troubleshoot

Kit not moving


On page 1, the instructions advise to remove the burrs before assembly. Please see illustration below.cut-off-burrs.png

Make sure the pinion gear is flush with the top of the motor (page 2 Step 4)

Go over gear box assembly pages (Pages 2-3)

Go over Hydraulic module assembly (Pages 4-6)


Make sure you are  in direct sunlight. Direct sunlight is outdoor sunlight. Light through a window will not be sufficient

If no direct sunlight is available, a halogen light may be used instead. We recommend using a 100w halogen light.

On page 56, the instructions advise the use of a 50 watt halogen light (because completed at night).  Please see illustration below.
