Robot not backing up/sensor not working.
- Adjust variable resistor (p40)
- Check length of rubber tube phototransistor cover (p33)
- Check if pcb terminal pins are still securely soldered and not loose
- Check wiring (p33/37)
- Do not subject robot to areas that are too bright
Robot moving backwards / circling backwards
- Check installation of motors.
- Make sure flat part of motor holder faces flat part of motor (p35)
- Make sure to face ‘flat part’ outward (p36)
- Lower sensitivity of VR (p40)
Robot makes wrong movement when LED is shaded
- Check motor wiring
Motors working & M3x25 screw rotating but gears not moving.
- Use a screwdriver (w/ a bigger handle) to tighten up the M3x25 screw some more (p25)
Gears falling off
- Make sure that the motor base is installed correctly. Customers usually install it the wrong way (p26) Make sure that the pins where the flat spur gear w/ pinion large is facing towards the head of the robot.
LED does not light up even when the power switch is turned on
- Check wiring of LED
- Check polarity and life of 9v battery
Legs not moving
- follow directions closely on pp29-31
- make sure the small boss on the rod panel faces outside (pp30&31 inset)
- tighten M3x25 screw into locknut (p25)
***Note: If you need a replacement part you can order it online here, or fill out the warranty form in the back of your manual and send it to:
Fax: (310) 515-0927