Why do I need an account to buy stuff?
You can order from us without creating an account but you'd lose out on some cool benefits. Your Robotikit account will provide you with additional features and conveniences, versus not having an account. The account will allow you to store multiple Billing and Shipping addresses, and you'll only need to enter this information once. The account will also store order history, showing previous orders you have placed using your Robotikit account, as well as order status, so you can check to see if your order has been shipped. You'll easily be able to access tracking numbers for your packages. Also, shopping carts that you have started but not completed are stored with your account, so you can retrieve them later.
What can I use as a password for my account?
You can use almost anything for a password. For security reasons, our software requires your password to be at least 5 characters long. Other than that, there are almost no restrictions. You can use letters, numbers, punctuation and so on. You can include whitespace (i.e. space between words) if you like. The length of your password is unlimited. However, passwords are case-sensitive, which means "word" and "Word" are not treated the same. We recommend, for better security, that you use a mixture of letters and numbers and use varied capitalization.
What if I forget my account password, or need to change it?
If your memory fails you, or you forget and accidentally leave it somewhere, you can reset your password(via e-mail) by visiting the the password page. The e-mail will contain instructions for changing your account password. Please keep in mind that no one, including employees of OWI, can tell what your password is. Our software stores passwords using an advanced one-way encryption algorithm. This means that once your password has been created (or changed), it is stored in a format that can not be decrypted. Therefore, if you ever forget your password, it will have to be changed.
Do you have a catalog?
Of course. We do send out catalogs occasionally (only when requested) in order to not annoy our spam our customers. We also include a catalog inside the box of every purchase. It is best to visit our website for our full product line however.
Email Newsletters
How do I sign up for the Exclusive Robotikit E-mail Newsletter?
Wanna get the latest about new stuff at owirobot.com? How about special promotions, discount codes and other goodies exclusively for folks who get our newsletter? Well then, you need to sign up to receive the OWI Robotics super informative newsletter!
About once a month, we write an entertaining e-mail for you detailing new and exciting products, interesting tidbits of OWI-related info, and special promotions. You'll wonder how you ever lived without it! OWI Robots is dedicated to privacy; we will never ever release your email address to third parties.
To receive our newsletter, simply scroll down and look at the left sidebar of our website. In the "Our Newletter" dialogue box enter your first name and email. Tada! Your ready to go.